3 Programmatic SEO Examples Worth Your Attention

As a business owner, you would agree that running a business is no cakewalk. It is becoming more and more difficult to grab attention of your customers when there are so many competitors trying to do the same.

So the key question becomes: how does one acquire customers cheaply?

The simple answer – Programmatic SEO!

Why? Let’s understand this in more detail.

By now, you must have heard plenty about how SEO is useful in driving more people to your website and increasing brand awareness. But SEO can be time-consuming, expensive, and demands a lot of effort. However, Programmatic SEO helps you get better results by spending much less time and energy. It helps you generate landing pages on a large scale by using templates that can dynamically insert data from a database with the goal of targeting very niche audience and specific search terms.

Examples of sites who have successfully cracked programmatic SEO
Are you ready to explore some interesting examples of programmatic SEO? Get started with these three:

1. Nomad List received 31,190 AHREFs traffic in May 2022 with about 3,600 pages
Nomad List finds the best places in the world for digital nomads to live and work remotely. It collects over 1,00,000 data points about 2,000+ cities around the world, from cost of living, to temperature, to internet speed, to safety. With that data, the site tries to make a good estimate of where you, as a digital nomad, should go next.

Nomad List hosts many city pages that use programmatic SEO to target keywords like “Least Racist States in [City]”. This reasonably easy to rank keyword pulls in 1200 organic searches in a month. When you type it in Google, Nomad List tops the search results.

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